
Archive for the ‘health’ Category

Post-Christmas Blues

In Christmas, health on January 5, 2010 at 11:43 am

I’ve been thoroughly out of sorts ever since Christmas passed. I usually start the new year in a frenzy of good intentions and resolve. This year I could barely muster the inclination to think about what I hope to achieve over the next 12 months.

I think, like a lot of people, 2009 was quite a turbulent year for me and I had hoped that the midnight fireworks would herald a new wave of ambition and enthusiasm, but so far, not so good.  What it has brought thus far is a wave of hormones and a cold that sees me constantly sniffing or welling up at a sad story on the news or in a TV drama, and seeking to break the world record for the most sneezes in a 60 minute period.

Rising at 6am today to drag myself to the gym actually felt like the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but the glimmer of positivity that emerged as I showered after my first workout of 2010 is hopefully going to widen into a huge rose-tinted snow-globe. I can’t help thinking that even though I couldn’t even attempt to match my ususal regime, the 40-minute effort has at least nudged the endorphins that have been hibernating and that they’ll be putting on their leg warmers and planning to make a big appearance by the weekend.

Watch this space…